Congratulations to our Challenge winners for the month of August! Both winners will be receiving a Dina Wakley Media Large Media Journal!
Facebook Winner: Mary Jane's Studio
Instagram Winner: @lauremixedmedia

It is September. In Arizona, it’s still over 100 F, and I am always envious of those of you who actually get a Fall season. I hope you have lots of pSavelans to create this Autumn. Keep creating, keep sharing. We love, love, love seeing your work.

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” CS Lewis
What have you learned from your hardships? How have they changed you? Have they made you better? Explore this theme in your work this month.
I made this page on my Art Journaling Cruise (I taught on a cruise at the end of August). I went back today and added more journaling. I typically work this way–I create, and then add journaling later. It feels good just to focus on writing. Plus, you know your mediums are completely dry when you journal at a later date.
To make this page, I made an acrylic background. Then I used original Gel Medium to glue down the face. After it dried, I painted it in with my acrylic paint.
Supplies used:
Dina Wakley Large Media Journal
Dina Wakley Media Brushes
Dina Wakley Media Ultra Thick Gel Medium
Dina Wakley Media Acrylic Paint: Eggplant, Evergreen, Cheddar, White, Marine, Night, Sky, Magenta
Dina Wakley Media Stencils: What We Do, The Best Hearts
Dina Wakley Media Collage Papers / Tissues
Stabilo Pencil
Mini Blending Tool & Foam
White Paint Pen

Challenge Rules Recap
I want to put the "me" back in mixed media. All art is personal, whether it be a card or an art journal page or a painting. Join me as we begin a series of monthly challenges and prompts that will fuel your creative spirit and help you delve into the ME of MEdia.
Challenge Rules
We will announce monthly challenges on the Ranger blog on the third Thursday of each month.
Use at least one Dina Wakley Media product in your project. If your product is not obvious (like paint), please list the colors you used.
You can make anything you like—a card, an art journal page, a tag, a canvas, anything!
Interpret each challenge any way you like. You can be literal or you can use it as a springboard and see where it takes you. Let the challenge inspire you and stretch you.
Try to journal on your piece. Write your thoughts about each prompt. You can write a little or you can write a lot, but do your best to incorporate your thoughts and feelings into the piece.
When you complete a challenge, please share it on your blog and personal social media account(s) (Instagram/Facebook) with the tags #showusyourMEdia and #rangerink. When you share on your personal FB page, be sure to make the post public so that it shows up in our hashtag search. You can share in the art groups, too, but those posts don’t show up in the searches if the groups are closed or private.
We will do two random drawings each month for a prize. We will search the hashtag #showusyourMEdia on Instagram for one winner, and then on Facebook for the second winner. To be clear, you must use the hashtag #showusyourMEdia on either Instagram or Facebook in order to show up in the search and to be eligible to win. You have until the third Wednesday of each month to complete the previous month's challenge.
We will announce the previous month's winner AND the new challenge on the third Thursday of each month.
Note this challenge does not take the place of the monthly challenges we have in the Dina Wakley Media Tribe Facebook group. If you’re not a member of the tribe, please join us! Artists in the group post lots of cool art and inspiration.
Visit my website for online classes, teaching schedule, blog, and more.